Tuesday, April 23, 2013

The Evolution of the Image

After the last attempt we did with milling we noticed that the image of the city wasn't super apparent what the image was at first. The milled effect drew people in more than the specific image. So we were exploring other possibilities with images that could be more ambiguous, like sky, water or trees. Here are some of the images I looked at for research:

As I was researching and looking at these images I was thinking that it would be nice to have something hidden in the trees, like and image:

I pulled some inspiration from this image:

....and started painting:

This is in progress, eventually there will be more trees and I will warp and align the branches to reveal some sort of image.

This will be really cool because even when the gears are not aligned people will be able to tell that they are trees, but until they align the secondary image will be hidden.

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